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Feminine Yoni Soap

Unlock your inner goddess with Feminine Yoni Soap! 
This all-natural Feminine Yoni Soap is made with a blend of herbal extracts and essential oils to help support a healthy balance in the delicate yoni area. This soap is designed to gently cleanse, moisturize, and protect while helping to maintain natural vaginal flora. It's formulated without harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances and can be used daily for optimal results 

  • Gentle, plantbased and nontoxic ingredients
  • Hypoallergenic and pH balanced
  • Naturally helps balance vaginal flora
  • Softens and boosts inner skin health with moisturizing properties
  • Encourages natural feminine hygiene and protection

This soap bar was created to help promote balance for your feminine ph and v odor. The Apple Cider Vinegar helps restore ph balances. It reduces odor and helps as a natural antiseptic and antibiotics properties. The ingredients work together to get rid of any yeast overgrowth and bad bacteria. 

This soap is a mild soap and to be used externally only!!! 



Ingredients: Organic Oils, Sodium Hydroxide, Organic Yogurt, Apple CiderVinegar, Shea Butter and Herbs 

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